Why the need for a referral service?
There are numerous reasons why a referral service is useful in making this difficult and important choice:
Guidelines for facilities are non-existent and sorely missing in this industry
     This means that, unless you are going to pre-screened facilities, you do not know if they will meet your needs of comfort, safety and warmth
Multiple choices for families
     This gives you the opportunity to compare numerous placement choices and types of placements.
What facilities are “best fit” for seniors needs?
     We conduct a thorough assessment of the needs of the senior to be placed to make sure that the facility options provided thoroughly meet the need
Facilitates “matching” between clients and facility
     By assessing all facilities and all clients individually and throughoutly, we are able to find a match between what each facility has to offer and the specific needs of each client.
Provide “personal” support and guidance to client and families
     After conducting a full personal assessment and speaking to the senior and the family, we give you the option of providing you with the names of a few well chosen facilities or taking you to facilities that we have assessed as meeting the needs of the seniors. We always follow-up to make sure our placements are going well.
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